The Basics:
Dr. Noël C. Love, DACM, L.Ac., is a Boulder County-based Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and Licensed Acupuncturist and who has earned the reputation as a dedicated leader in the industry. She has spent the last 10 years serving patients in private practice, and has garnered extensive hands-on experience within that time. Her areas of primary expertise include but are not limited to Chinese Medicine, Functional Medicine, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Insomnia, Anxiety, Allergy Elimination, and Sexual Dysfunction.
Holding a Doctorate of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Dr. Love is in the 3% of Acupuncturists with a doctorate level degree from Southwest Acupuncture College and Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego. She also has obtained other certifications in functional medicine, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, allergy elimination technique and emotional healing techniques.
She also has her Bachelor of Science from Michigan State University. She spent time working in laboratories testing water, drug research, high-tech internet outside sales, and culminating in a career in biotech pharmaceutical manufacturing at Amgen.
Before going to Chinese Medical School, Noël was the owner of a bicycle shop in Longmont and owned a company as a professional bike fitter. She has been the owner of several businesses and entrepreneurship is a passion of hers.
During her free time, Noël enjoys cycling and exploring new places. She is also an avid gardener with a green thumb. Most importantly, she cherishes family time with Scott and still thinking about the wonderful memories of getting married in France last year.
Ultimately, Dr. Love is on a mission to empower, encourage, and inspire people to fully harness their infinite potential, so they can experience optimal health, abundance love and ultimate happiness.
Even more:
Noël Love, a Midwestern girl who turned into a mountain woman living in Colorado with a lot of tales to tell on life, love, happiness and health.
Love: One of the best outcomes of my marriage and divorce was receiving the gift of Love, Love as in my rock star name! Love is the most important thing in my life. I want all people, if they want, is to experience the deep, profound emotion of love and everything connected to it. Intimacy, companionship, sacrifice, contentment, happiness, compromise, unknown, hurt, all those and more, even though it can be very scary and vulnerable. I have fallen deeply in love a few times, some real, some not so real. But I have always become a better person because of it and helped them to become a better person too. It took a few tries and the right timing to find that life partner. I am now engaged to be married to my amazing partner Scott next year.
Life: My moto is Live Love, Love Life. I wouldn’t say that I always live fearlessly, but I try to!
In a general sense, I believe that everything happens for a reason, there are no coincidences and we can manifest so much in our life if we put a little practice in. Some of my friends call me the “ultimate manifester”, they even try and have me manifest things for them in their life. Sometimes it actually works! I had a boss once, a feisty red-head, who told me that if I didn’t scare myself a little every day, then I wasn’t being the best person I could be. So, I think back on that quite often and if there is something I don’t want to do or I am a bit nervous about, I take a step forward and do it. It is never as scary as we make it in our heads.
That attitude has helped me accomplish many things in my life. Read below for some of the awesome things I have done in my life. One patient even accused me of being a world spy because I have done so much. Ha!
Happiness: Who doesn’t want to be happy? What does that even mean? I can tell you one thing that it isn’t, which is living in a state of bliss 24/7 100 percent of the time. For the most part I am a very happy person. Once in a while I’ll have my down days, but that is ok. That is what Judge Judy is for! (love her!) I am always striving to be happy. It is sometimes hard to be happy in this world, but what really works for me is being outside, having my animals around me, traveling with my partner and two of the most important things are is knowing your purpose and being healthy enough to live that purpose. Living my purpose makes me happy and that purpose is helping other people find that optimal place of life, love, happiness and health. There are two things in this world, love and fear. Being in the love part more often than the fear part will make it easier to live in your happy place.
Health: Maybe this is why you found me and this website in the first place. You want to just feel better, be healthier. But again, what does that even mean? What does that mean to you? What it means to me is that I can engage in the physical and emotional parts of life with enough energy to reach my goals in life. I have always been a “healthy” person, until I wasn’t. Not a fun place at all. The journey towards optimal health began when I started experiencing severe anxiety and insomnia in my mid-twenties. I also became gluten-intolerant too, before it was cool. It was all due to emotional trauma, like PTSD, from a traumatic event in my relationship. The doctors started prescribing me pills to help me. Those pills like Ambien and Lunesta made me go to sleep, but it also made me lose my memory. And it was only symptomatic. If I didn’t take it, I didn’t sleep. Living on 2-3 hours of sleep per night for a few years before the meds is not a great way to live life and to have a relationship, job, etc. I finally was introduced to acupuncture. I was so skeptical. But it cured my insomnia and anxiety! I was amazed. I was working in a biotech pharmaceutical plant and here I am getting acupuncture. Mind blown. I finally decided I needed to quit my good job and go to Chinese Medical School to show people there is another way to heal. It took me a good few years to wrap my head around the fact I became an acupuncturist. Fast forward a few years and my health started going downhill again. This time it was more physical and mental. I couldn’t do the things I wanted anymore at the gym, or on my bike, or skate-skiing, or hiking up a hill. My body wouldn’t keep up with my mind in terms of strength. This was going on for a gradual 7 years! I could barely walk for days after working out. This was much more serious than just “getting old”, as I was told or that I was “normal” when I went to the doctor. Also, I would get super unmotivated, moody, and sad at certain times in my cycle. None of this was normal for me! Finally, I learned about different blood-tests that tested so many things like micronutrients, vitamins and minerals in your cells. I had become so deficient from my divorce, stress, and medical school, that I couldn’t recover. My hormone levels started dropping. Once I started getting all my levels back up to normal, I became better than ever!
This is what has shaped my entire medical practice. I have reached that goal for optimum health. It is amazing how much time I have in my life now to pursue other things than just trying to feel better. Oh and by the way, I can eat gluten like a mad-woman now too! Croissants better watch out!
Wedding in Provence, France!
“When I started working with Noël, I wanted to find out why I felt low-energy & fatigued all the time. I had been trying to have a positive mindset & be productive but no matter what I changed I still felt overall... bad. My western doctor had run my blood work & told me everything was fine.
I called Noël, she discovered several factors & deficiencies at the root of my issues. With an integrative solution including supplements, hormones, healing acupuncture & nutrition, Noël has helped me feel 100x better. Noël is highly skilled, so passionate about her work, very healing and lovely to be around. I highly recommend her programs.
You will feel like a new person - Thank you Noël!”